Doreen Lavender Ping

Doreen Lavender Ping

Seek guidance for the future.

Lavender helps you live life on a higher level.  She understands those continuous life lessons we all have.  In her own quest for truth, her world travels led her to temples and meditations with masters, giving her the ability to seek the necessary information, techniques and methods to teach esoteric classes to those seeking that state of oneness with God, the Universe, and All That Is.

Through her spiritual gifts of Intuition, Vision, Sensory and Prophetic Knowing, Lavender reveals to you in her readings the tools of living that will assist you in creating the life you want.  Lavender guides you through her discovery of your journey with her ability to see past happenings, present situations and what is yet to come.

Keeping one’s balance is the beginning and continuation of a healthy flow of life. Without balance, chaos and drama reign, creating disappointments and frustrations that hold you back from living a more joyful life.   In taking that first step to create a more fulfilling tomorrow, Lavender reminds us, “Today is the tomorrow you created yesterday.”

Although change can sometimes be difficult, even causing anxiety, Lavender shares answers and direction that allow you to feel safe and secure in knowing that with change comes unlimited rewards and even surprises. Her universal connection unveils your truth in ways that are profound. Lavender finds the “puzzle pieces” of your journey to help you create all in divine perfect order.  With this information, you are able to make better, more meaningful, choices and decisions; thus, creating higher loving partnerships, successful intentions, and healthier patterns in your life.

Lavender’s channeled knowledge provides answers and visions. When you open to the possibilities of a more purposeful vision for your life, the synchronicity of happenings appear in the most magical ways. You become more cognizant of the power of your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. This openness to an expansion of your own journey gives new meaning to your life.