There is much in the world that says to you that abundance is not in the near future. You probably are reading this to hopefully find some solution to where you are. Yes, many have suffered in the past few years. That is a given.

Through the timing of wars, self destruction, earthquakes, and harsh weather patterns, we have seen much in the news about suffering. We begin to wonder if there will ever be peace of mind from this devastation.

As you see clearly where you are in your journey, you begin to know others that are not walking their pathway. Some have concluded their lives. Others wish for definite changes.

Science and technology have brought us so much information lately that it is impossible not to know the suffering of others. We are bombarded daily with news, views, and sightings of more. Our hearts are saddened and heavy as we watch others suffering and without hope at times.

Clearly, there must be an end to this devastation. There is. Yes, there are answers. First of all, we must believe that changes are possible. For some, change is so difficult. These changes bring up doubts and then fears. I’ve watched as one member of a family is taken away and the remaining family members are left without direction, guilt, suffering for their losses. Of course, they feel the loss. That is the honoring of those souls that have ascended.

It is in the traveling of those that have passed on that we remember the beautiful qualities of their existence with us on Earth. Our memories keep their past with us along with their photos, results of accomplishments that they performed while they were with us. We see them so clearly and openly for all that is.

In this year of 2010, we are now questioning where we are. How do we rebuild our lives? What direction do we take?

Are we to continue to do the same things? Most of us know that our pathways are changing. In this change, sometimes we don’t know exactly where we are going, but begin to have the belief that something better is ahead.

When I first was told of this Year of Magnificent Abundance, my heart soared with glee as I knew that this was the year when we could bring to ourselves the joy that should be part in our daily lives. Where does it begin?

Well, as we open our eyes each morning, our first thoughts of our day begin to set the energy for where we travel. Our thoughts, words, feelings, and then actions are so powerful. Begin by making the slightest change.

First, create a thought of abundance of one area of your daily activities. With that thought comes joy in your words.

Feel the essence of this joy as you then speak your thanks in appreciation for what you are creating. Next take just 15 minutes in action. 

For example, if you are wanting to have a more balanced day so that you don’t get caught in the chaos of work, that is your “thought.” It is to have more balance.

Next, ask God for balance and harmony in your workplace that day. Then give your thanks throughout the day for this energy. Feel the essence of joy as you think of what you have requested.

Now action is key. Take a few minutes to close your eyes, envision what that looks like. See your boss and coworkers smiling. What is your response to their smiles? This is a key factor, for when someone smiles at you, you automatically smile back.

Now what action are you going to take to ensure this action?  First of all, you must find your own balance. There are many ways to bring balance in to your life.

Yoga practices are great for rejuvenating your body with your mind. Just 15 minutes consistently each morning helps.

How about a guided meditation CD or perhaps a morning walk? These are practices that will over time become part of your daily regimen.

Sometimes listening to gentle music while we get ready for work gives us that soothing energy to begin our daily activities.

Listen to a motivational speaker on your car CD player. Remember when we speak or listen to something 21 times our subconscious takes it as truth.

We begin with simple things.  These are a few of the changes that we can make that add up by the end of the year.

Don’t wait for months to make a change. Before you realize it, half the year has concluded and you are still questioning how to have more balance. That’s the start of accepting the unexpected magnificent abundance of this New Year. Congratulations!