Many have asked repeatedly in the last few years for changes. Few have acknowledged that the changes that they received were what they had requested. Time and events have lifted our thoughts to know that not all that we have experienced seemed at the time to be of enlightenment.

What’s the difference? We have perceived that what we received was different, harsher than what we had thought would occur. We believed that since we had worked so diligently on ourselves over the past years that nothing and no one could harm us. We also thought that life would be so normal. What’s normal? Do you know? Can you imagine that normal for you is definitely not the norm for society as a whole?

Life becomes and had been over the past 30+ years, a time when we were manifesting what we so desired. Now, this year of 2008, is a culmination of what was, what is, and what could be for tomorrow. Remember; however, TODAY is the TOMORROW that you created YESTERDAY. That saying or phrase has shifted me time and time again to where I needed to be.

You have a choice each day. Will you create or just allow your thoughts be in a “status quo” timing? Will you bring your thoughts to a point of enlightenment? Will you allow yourself to follow thru with whatever is happening based on the ideas that you are creating?

The Universe has repeatedly asked me in the past couple years “What do you want?” I would occasionally answer with my list; however, in the cob webs of the past reality, I would assume that there was an agenda already in process for me that I did not create. I now realize and understand that it is a partnership. It’s not one sided. We are living on a planet, in an existence, where there are free will choices. Based on that knowledge, we then have the ability to create.

Let’s look at creation: First, we have a thought and a vision. Then we express in words what we so desire. Action is then taken to accomplish this thought and vision. Where does it go from there? Have you ever expressed or shared your dreams/thoughts with a friend only to hear that it sounded absurd or unattainable? Has your family ever told you that your thoughts were out of your reach? Then the process starts in revising your original thought. As we revise our thought, the end result looks, feels, and is different than originally believed to be possible. Then we question the validity of the process. If we are able to have anything that we so desire as long as it does not purposefully hurt another soul, then why is the result so different? What happened?

This year is a time of major happenings. It’s not a year of transition. Last year, 2007, was the YEAR of SELF FULFILLMENT. With that year completed, we are on a road to successful venues of joy, happiness, new love, adventures, and all that you can imagine to create.

The Year of 2007 brought about major changes in self fulfillment issues. Many of you made radical changes in your careers, families, health, and world issues. No one probably felt that the year was stagnant. If you look at world events, many became homeless, planetary changes, climate shifts, major world fractions exploded, and nothing seemed to be moving correctly.

In self fulfillment, we each had a responsibility to honor thy self. We corrected that which was not in balance in our lives. Happiness was redefined. Love was empowered. Peace was asked by more. Thoughts of balance were created. So, there were endings of power struggles, life without honor, sadness departed, and suffering reviewed.

It is with that redefinition of life and formulation of plans that you begin anew now. You are looking at the thoughts of what you can have for this New Year. You are focusing on what adventure you can create, but for the time being, you still see the value of focusing on the deprivation that occurred at times in past years. That is NOT your journey now. You have worked and created “all that is” within your self. NOW is the time to reap your rewards and bring yourself and “all that you do” to the point of COMPLETION.

Let’s define COMPLETION: It is defined as “all that is.” It is a year that needs very little energy. It is the completion of what you have created and what you are now willing and able to ACCEPT. It is the year that has all in awe. It’s a year that brings rewards to match your dreams and expectations.

Completion is a year that allows you to see clearly your path and how long it took to arrive. The Universal energies are opening so widely and quickly now that the timing has culminated without any delays. Even others of liked minds are experiencing the traumas as quickly and as easily as if they see, they know, they experience, and now they let go and create the new. That’s it! It’s so simple, but it has taken us centuries to understand the depth of our own creation. Being responsible for what you are creating or what is happening to you sometimes is a jolt that most do not want to accept.

This New Year of 2008 is filled with such anticipation and honor that we are gleeful with the thoughts of what we can create. We hear others with their praises of this year’s expectations. Have you thoughtfully created what you so desire as yet?

Never before have we had so many choices. If you have been mindful to evaluate your past experiences and work to correct all that was not in alignment, then this is THE year for completion and success. The struggles of past years have given us hope now to announce to ourselves that we need not create again the overwhelming array of hardships that we have endured for past years.

Let go of what appeared to bring you sorrow in the past. See the value of what happened thru today’s eyes. Certainly while you were in the middle of the experiences, it was most difficult to see what you could be learning. However, now with more knowledge and facts documented in our minds, we have the understanding to view the past with a wider, more open and honest evaluation.

So this New Year brings in the ability to have “all that is.” We have fulfilled our expectations, completed our tasks to date, suffered past life’s traumas, and now are open and accepting of the rewards. We have completed our homework. We have lasted thru the traumatic experiences. We have learned the value of life. We have risked everything.

The concept that we have been using for years was to manifest what we so desired. It worked on the simple things. It generally took more efforts to succeed on long term projects.

If you have been paying attention to your experiences and evaluating the results for value, you are now ready to expect and receive “all that is” quickly and easily. The Universe repeatedly told me in the past few years, “If it flows, it’s a go! If you are getting stuck, let go and see it differently!”

At the beginning of 2007, the Universe explained to me that we were not to drive other soul’s cars anymore. In other words, we no longer needed to be the “vehicle for change” for others. Everyone was to become responsible for what they were creating and where and how fast they traveled on their pathway.

That was difficult at times as I was so use to helping to redirect and guide others on their journey. I started by sitting in the passenger seat and watching and hearing another soul drive his/her own car. At first I wanted to step in and take over. For some it was easier. For others it was most difficult. In the end; however, I saw the empowerment that others were finding on their pathways. This gave me a sense of freedom to be more precise and conscious of my own journey.

Now as I look back to 2007, I truly see the value of “letting go” and watching others drive their own cars. The Year of Self Fulfillment brought in a sense of great accomplishment in learning how to define where we were in life, let go of what was not in our highest and best interests, and open wide to completing that which will now bring our souls great joy.

My gift to you this New Year of 2008 is to CONGRATULATE YOU!! If you are reading this article, then you are one that has truly worked on yourself. You have successfully maneuvered thru the lessons, learned from your experiences, acknowledged and let go, and are now ready to experience a YEAR of COMPLETION in all that you create.

Remember to find the JOY in “all that is” ……………..