The Evolution of One's Spirit - CD

The Evolution of One’s Spirit
by Doreen Lavender Ping

Availability: Usually ships within 2 to 3 business days
Format: Audio CD
List price: $15.00 U.S.
Now On Sale: $10.00
Shipping and Handling: $5.00 U.S.

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About The Evolution of One’s Spirit CD

What will bring joy to your spirit? What could possibly change the energy of an experience from one of deprivation to one of abundance?

These are questions that will be answered in this CD by Lavender. She has a unique way of presenting information. It will make sense in your daily life. Listen carefully to what Lavender says as well as how she presents the information. The cadence in her voice and the energy of her spirit will clearly come through for you.

She helps you to begin to know your spirit and understand your path in this lifetime. Lavender assists you in gathering information to guide you to your destiny.

This CD brings knowledge for you to understand where to look for answers and directions. You begin to recognize predestined experiences along your path.

You are shown how each day you become a vehicle for change for others and move closer to your spirit.