Stretching Beyond Life's Boundaries

Stretching Beyond Life’s Boundaries
by Doreen Lavender Ping

Availability: Usually ships within 2 to 3 business days
Format: Softcover Book
List price: $12.00 U.S.
Now On Sale: $10.00
Shipping and Handling: $5.00 U.S.


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About the Stretching Beyond Life’s Boundaries Book

An intimate journey with oneself to determine how you can move forward easily and quickly.

The essence of your life is greatly determined by your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. If you allow doubt or fear to enter your journey, then clearly there are blockages. This book brings your energies and actions into alignment with what you are creating. Using the MIRACLE FORMULA you are able to decide clearly what you so desire and follow through with an accomplishment.

Other negativity that surrounds you at times is released by using the “RETURN ENERGY” affirmation. Most times we are able to give and to receive, but we get caught in not accepting our value in this lifetime.

Stretching Beyond Life’s Boundaries is a profound experience in guiding you in achieving great value in your life; therefore, bringing successes in your journey.