Belief is part of our nature. We believe that whatever is happening is part of what is suppose to be. However, have you ever wondered why your beliefs don’t change? In other words, perhaps you were given a set of values or beliefs as a child and you never questioned if those beliefs are still working for you. I know for a fact that not all that was taught to me as a child is right for me now. I grew up in a traditional home with very strong and secure values. My parents were totally loving and supportive. I was raised in a home with strong work ethics. I still hold those values. 

Where things have changed is in my perspective of what is truth for me. I had always asked as a child and especially as a teenager why I was in many ways quite different. Many nights I would sit at the edge of my bed and wonder what star I can come from. Now if you saw my parents, you would say that I look exactly like them. That is true. However, my beliefs even back as a young person were so different than my family. At times I would hide my thoughts and beliefs from others as I could not understand why I knew or felt things that were so radically opposite from what I was being taught. Has that happened to you?

I remember singing in the choir at church. I had a clear view of the congregation as I was sitting up high with the other choir members. Being a really social person, I loved seeing everyone. In those days, families tended to sit in the same pew in church. So, if anyone was absent, it was quite noticeable. I could actually see the expressions on the faces of the congregation. I was always trying to hide my questioning expressions as the minister was presenting his sermon. I learned to hide my feelings and thoughts. I did not want to be different.

As an adult I have learned that changing my beliefs or announcing to others the truth of my beliefs has again made me feel different. Different does not mean that you are not coming from truth. Different does not imply that you cannot be logical. Sometimes we advance or change our beliefs as we become more open to the universal energy. Why must we keep the same beliefs that were taught to us as a child?

I spent many years in the cookware industry promoting a healthy method of food preparation. I do recall my grandmother and mother cooking with a cast iron skillet. Today it is a known fact that using this method of cooking is not healthy. So, in allegiance to my mother and grandmother do I keep their beliefs in cooking or do I move forward with the knowledge of modern technology? If we were not to advance our thinking, then why are we doing space travel?

The universe has repeatedly blessed me with knowledge. As I sit and write many times the information given to me is prefaced with the words that I must open my mind to accept or look at something in a different manner. I have learned to trust and be open. I have also accepted that the more I am open to changes in beliefs, the more information comes to me in the most bizarre and profound ways. In other words, I don’t allow my ego to get caught in saying that what I know to be truth today is the only truth of tomorrow. Does that make sense to you? As we grow and learn from daily experiences, we begin to change our beliefs in what is truth and what is a more advanced truth. I know without a doubt, that the universe has much knowledge for us to accept. Are you willing today to open your thoughts to a more advanced spiritual way of accepting? Can you be challenged in your thoughts to look more openly at other’s views and see some value in what they are presenting to you? Must we as a society be so restrictive to think that we have all the answers and another country has none? If we are more open, then war and self-destruction will no longer be the norm, and we can teach our children that beliefs are suppose to change. It is the natural cycle of life. Perhaps in their adult lives they will begin to make decisions that are safe, non-demeaning, non-destructive to others, more advanced, and less restrictive based on past beliefs and illogical expectations.

As a society we do not have a right to demand that others only believe what we believe. Instead let us learn from other societies and other civilizations and bring knowledge to those that are open to the oneness of humanity. Life is full of changes. Are you willing to open and expand your beliefs to include something that is different than you have known to be truth in the past?

I know there is power in numbers. The more we accept our differences and our expanded beliefs, the faster we will allow others to become proficient in their own journeys. I thank you for reading this article and congratulate you on your decision today to open your thoughts and beliefs to include something that is different. As I have come to accept and learn, being different is my path! Many blessings, dear friend!