This month recognizes the end of a cycle and a close to a chapter of 2012. Whatever you imagined these past few months to be, you probably were surprised at not only what was happening, but the complexities and abnormal behaviors.

A new cycle will begin in May with the conclusion of the harsh endings. You have experienced relatives ascending, careers ending, accidents that changed your way of looking at life, and relationships shifting to a point of uncertainty. Those of you who are aware, know the Universe has been shifting and everything that you thought was the norm is now transforming.

Understand this is new. There are no guidebooks to show you how to flow through this change. It has never happened previously. As the Universe is moving from the 3rd dimension (technical) through the 5th dimension (creative) and above, you have been preparing for years and perhaps lifetimes to be in position. Take note you are definitely not alone. You are here to recognize, allow, receive, and assist with these changes for our planet.

These are intense times. That is a given. With this comes increased symptoms that have made you wonder why and what’s next.
Have you had unusual physical problems and emotions that feel draining with unknown reasons? Perhaps this universal shifting has caused you to feel fear, resisting the change, and yet knowing it is for your highest and best good.

It is vitally important that as you travel through these unknown changes, give yourself permission to let go of the past and be present in the now. This sounds easy, but you are a creature of patterns and habits. Uncertainty keeps you holding to the past and resisting the future. Years ago I was taught a valuable lesson: “If you get stuck, let it go. If it flows, it’s a go.”

When you are in the middle of the storm of chaos and drama, it’s not always easy to see the clearing at the end. Recognize you are caught in the downward flow of thoughts and emotions. Perhaps you feel in a rut or bored with your life. Although it feels as though you have slowed down, in fact everything has speeded up. Think of it as a tunnel you are going through that is dark. You can slightly see the light at the end, but don’t know how long it will take to get there or what might happened along the way.

This is a pivotal time in your journey. Trust and faith in the unknown changes is most important. Start small as you are struggling through these very difficult physical times, perhaps feeling unusual fears. Be patient and reward yourself for recognizing the small steps that you take to move forward. There is no rush here!

Realize also that everyone is going through similar changes. No one is exempt from the shifting of the Universe. It just appears that some are handling it easier than others, but remember behind every smile, there are questions and concerns about the tomorrows. You are not alone at all.
Perhaps your energy and thoughts are down for now, but make it your intention to come back to a state of balance. Everything is different and everyone is changing. What you envisioned for your tomorrow is looking different. So, here’s a new way to see your journey. Think of it as an “extraordinaire existence” allowing for the changes and shifts to bring you new and unexpected rewards and opportunities.

Feed your soul by reading positive literature, listen to uplifting lectures, participate in events that place you in a state of “giving” to others, and change your thought process by stepping out of your comfort zone to be with others of liked minds. Positive energy is transferred by a smile or a kind word. What goes around comes around! Send out love and be rewarded back with love.

You know in your heart you are safe. Now feel it differently. See it with your eyes wide open. Be in that new existence and reward yourself with knowing you are always protected and guided with grace and love.

The circle of love with God is your connection to unending beauty, balance, abundance, and flow. Freedom is flowing in that extraordinaire existence.


Doreen Lavender Ping