This morning I awoke quite early. As I walked outside to my Casita Center office, I was drawn to look up at the sky. To my amazement, I saw the most unusual site. The Full Moon was being held up with an aura of golden energy.  It was mesmerizing to say the least.

This energy was not fully around the Moon. It was definitely only on the bottom half. As I looked back at it a half hour later, I actually saw the golden energy in the shape of hands holding up the Moon. This glow was so compelling that I did not actually look in to the Moon at first. As my mind settled a little, I then saw a face in the Moon.

Well, we have all heard the stories about the Man in the Moon. This was different. There was a gentle smile in the center of the Moon with two golden hands holding the bottom of the face.

As I began my morning walk, threads of information were flowing to me explaining the significance of this site. So, here’s what I channeled:


Be of the mind that PEACE comes when you BELIEVE and KNOW that where you are each day is guided by the energies around you. Sometimes you think you are alone.  If you just look up, you will see the Energy of Light guiding each of you.  There is no mystery here. We are always surrounding you in love assuming that you will once again look up and see our connection.

This morning was an example of our answering your prayers and thoughts. You always have the opportunity to see the light. The Sun shines brightly most days, but do you actually acknowledge that it’s there for your review?

In other words, you are at times asking for a confirmation if we see you.  Do we hear you? Do we know you are suffering? Have we created the suffering?

There is an abundance of love and light within the World. It is always there for you to see, know, feel, touch, and believe. We give you hope through the glory of this planet. The constant light of the Sun shines so brightly each day to say “good morning world.” At night, the Moon glows from within to share its emotions of security, honor, and compassion.

Be of the mind that what you feel has depth. What you know has strength. What you believe has magic. What you acknowledge is joyful.

Look around you……….. Can you see? Do you feel this essence? Do you understand the magical process? GOD is Joy………