Life always seems to bring you to where you need to land; however, in the process doesn’t it feel at times that it’s a roller coaster ride?

Recently, the Universe had been “gifting me” with information that I was not understanding. The more I wanted to analyze, the more it became complicated. So, as time flowed, my thoughts and energies became stuck in my vision of what I thought it was to be. Consequently, the tension in my mind created more tension within me.

I have always understood that life brings us rewards, but you must FIRST recognize that they are truly rewards.  Does that make sense?

Knowing you are always guided and protected, it is sometimes not as easy to let go and just experience life. When you finally let go, remember how easy life appears? Protection does not mean that you don’t experience. So, today as I am creating my November 12 Event, I am reminded of my journey this year and where I am landing. Yes, I said landing. You have heard the saying “When one door closes, another door opens.” 

When you end a chapter in your life with joy and thankfulness for what you have learned, with the process of acceptance, the next door(s) will be shown to you either in dreams, visions, channeled messages, words from a dear friend, or perhaps something that you hear from someone you trust. Either way truth comes when you not only are ready, but when you listen……….

Years ago a dear friend and mentor said something very profound to me that I am prompted to share with you.  “You have two eyes, two ears, and one mouth. You are to listen and observe twice as much as you speak.”  That message continues to guide me in how I look at the chapters of my life each day.

I am listening and watching…………. I hope you are as well………. Namaste

Many blessings,

Doreen Lavender Ping