I know you have heard that what you think is what you create. Have you; however, considered that you camouflage what you think with your words and then your actions? Well, let’s examine this concept. If you think you will be successful, then you believe that it will occur.If that is the case, then why are you not as successful right now as you had hoped to be in the past?

If your thoughts truly do create what happens, then can you achieve what you want immediately? That’s a hugh statement and a concept that most of us want the answer to be “yes.” Let’s look at how to do this right now. If another person comes in your home and offers success without failure for whatever you so desire, then why or how does he have the answers and you don’t? How did he get to be the expert? Have you ever imagined that you could be the expert at your own life? Can you imagine that life could be anything that you envision it to be?

There have been moments in the past when you must have believed that success was truly in the near future. Your heart and your soul would sing out loud that success was so close you could feel it. That’s a given. Then if that is the case, how does that work?

At times when my work has slowed down, I have questioned the universe. I was told that I had decided within my thoughts that I needed a short break or wanted to slow down. So, guess what happened? My client appointments would drop back for a few days. I know I created it, but did not know how I then created the increase. Recently, the universe answered again this repeated question. What causes the change to occur? What brings about the necessary timing to make the changes? Is it really in our thoughts, our beliefs, our words, or our actions? If so, then how do we change that process that MUST change in order for success to always be a moment away?

We do it with the knowledge that we can begin each day with the thoughts that anything that we so desire to change is only a thought away. Along with that we must believe and know that whatever we attempt, we will always be successful. We cannot fail at whatever we create.

That’s easy to say, but is it easy to accomplish? Have you tried it lately? If not, why not? Do you believe you will fail? Do you believe you have not the knowledge to make the changes necessary to experience success? I know for a fact that you have all knowledge.

When we create in our thoughts, our words come naturally. When it is not natural, then we hesitate. The hesitation creates an annoyance. In other words, the hesitation determines the lack of value in our thoughts. It sounds so bizarre, doesn’t it?

Bring your thoughts and the intention behind your thoughts today to create something of value for yourself. Start out small if that is more comfortable for you. Try something rather insignificant. See what happens. You will be amazed and surprised at the fluidity of your movements and how quickly the results appear.  Email me with your results. Perhaps there are others with similar experiences. Enjoy this quest!